ABORT Pg 46-8 Stops all execution for the procedure in which it is called. Using ABORT is equivalent to clicking the Abort button in the Syntax Error window or in the debugger. ABORT is rarely used, and should normally not be used in a finished database application. ABORT is usually used during development to handle unexpected errors. ABORT must be executed in a procedure installed by ON ERR CALL. The ON ERR CALL procedure should handle the error and then execute ABORT to return control to the menus. If a layout is being displayed, ABORT stops procedure execution and returns control to the layout. However, if the layout in the After phase, ABORT stops execution of the layout procedure, leaves the layout, and saves the record. ABORT does not affect the OK system variable; it simple stops execution of the layout procedure. If a layout is not being displayed, ABORT stops procedure execution and returns control to the menus. Use ABORT with discretion. It may be more appropriate to return to the procedure in which the error occured. For example, if the error is in reading a file with RECEIVE PACKET, it may be necessary to return and close the open file. See also: ON ERR CALL, RECEIVE PACKET,  TRACE